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Soul Talk - Men's group

The next event for the SoulTalk men's group is scheduled for the 7th May. Again at Toranj in Strassen.

Jim and Rob the organisers really like to push the boundaries and ensure that difficult topics are addressed,  so the next discussion will be around finding intimacy in cancer.

In a cancer journey, the topic of intimacy is little discussed despite the challenges that can occur. Cancer can alter bodies, self - image and perceptions, often leaving men feeling isolated or disconnected in their personal relationships. At this meeting what intimacy looks like after cancer from the physical and emotional aspects, whether it’s physical changes, communicating needs, or reconnecting will be explored..

Whether you are seeking advice, need a listening ear, or have stories to share you are welcome. If you know someone who could benefit please do share this information.

It would be great to know if you plan on joining so please reply to Jim or Rob: