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The Think Pink Guide
The Think Pink Guide

Many of us are touched by the effects of cancer, either as a result of experiencing the illness, or knowing or caring for a partner, friend, relative, or child with the disease. The first diagnosis invariably inflicts disbelief and insecurity. Besides the anxiety caused by the initial diagnosis and subsequent treatment, there are practical and organisational issues to consider which affect the lives of everyone concerned and may seriously impact the ability to cope.  Additional challenges may be faced by women living without traditional family support, and in particular where language and culture are foreign and where local healthcare systems and attitudes are unfamiliar.

The ThinkPink Guide is intended to answer many of the practical questions and so play a part in reducing the anxiety. Inspiration for the guide came from the personal experiences of English-speaking women with breast or ovarian cancer living in Luxembourg whose stories are shared in the guide. Think Pink Lux is grateful to the many women who contributed their experiences and advice but especially to Mary, Nancy, Debbie, Pam and Connie who have all lived with Cancer in Luxembourg.